Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fps

While there are a number of console commands for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, they're bit limited in what they let you do in the medieval RPG. Unlike the codes in Skyrim or Fallout 4, Kingdom Come. To access the console window in order to input commands, while playing Kingdom Come Deliverance, press Tilde. Below is a list of known console commands for Kingdom Come Deliverance: rmotionblur. User.cfg & console commands to increase FPS Hi Folks, I've been digging around today for various commands that can speed up the game and found some that get me almost 60FPS@1440p at base High settings (with Shaders, Particles, Shadows, Postprocess set to Low) with GTX980Ti and 2600K@4.2GHz - mostly helps in towns.

  1. Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Items
  2. Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fps Mod

To activate the Kingdom Come: Deliverance console, tap the . This is the button below on your keyboard. For users outside the US, this key may display the ¬ symbol rather than ~. With the console activated, type the following commands and hit enter to activate them.

  • g_showHUD 1 – enable the HUD.
  • g_showHUD 0 – disable the HUD.
  • r_motionblur X – change motion blur. Replace X with the following:
    • X=0 – off
    • X=1 – camera
    • X=2 – object (default)
    • X=3 – debug mode
  • cl_fov X – change field of view. X designates the degree, and default settings is 60.
  • wh_ui_showCompass 1 – show the compass.
  • wh_ui_showCompass 0 –hide the compass.
  • wh_ui_showHealthbar 1 – show the health bar.
  • wh_ui_showHealthbar 0 – hide the health bar.
  • wh_dlg_chatbubbles X – show chat bubbles.
  • wh_dlg_chatbubbles X – hide chat bubbles.
  • r_antialiasingmode – alters the antialiasing mode.
  • t_scale X – where X is between 1 and 10. Adjusts scaling.
  • e_ViewDistRatio X – changes the distance at which objects begin to render (default = 500)
  • e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X – changes the distance at which trees and vegetation begin to render (default = 500)
  • e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X – changes the distance at which grass is animated (default = 20)
  • wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 – adds a crosshair to the HUD while aiming a bow.
  • r_vsync 0 – Disables V-Sync, reducing input lag and removing the 60 FPS cap.
  • sys_MaxFPS = x – change the maximum FPS to the value of your choice
  • e_TimeOfDay – show the current in-game time
  • p_gravity_z X – change the intensity of gravity (default is -13)
  • Save <saved game filename> – save the game
  • Load <saved game filename> – load a game
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How To Increase FPS In Kingdom Come: Deliverance

General Tips

First, the most significant changes in graphics happens when you change from “minimum” to “medium” settings. Further increase won’t lead to major changes in general. So, if your hardware isn’t hi-end, medium-high settings should be your best choice.

Game should be launched in Full screen mode (not windowed or borderless), don’t forget to check this in the settings.

RAM Allocation

Seems that this game really struggles with RAM allocation. If you have 16 or more GB, use the command “-heapsize 2097152” in launch options. If you have 8 GB use “-heapsize 1048576”. This will allocate ram to be used as a cache for the game. Also, don’t set a cache that’s bigger than about an 1/8th of your overall ram, it’ll likely lower FPS rather than increase it.

For other amount of RAM:
4 GB -heapsize 524288
12 GB -heapsize 1572864
24 GB -heapsize 3145728
32 GB -heapsize 4194304

Disabling V-sync

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Items

Should fix the micro-stutter, freezes and frame drops.

1. Go to your steam library install directory
(e.g. C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverance)

2. Create a new user.txt document in this folder

3. Write r_VSync = 0

DeliveranceKingdom come deliverance console codes

3a. Also you can add a line sys_MaxFPS = 60 *60 is amount of max FPS. You can choose 120 or 144 for higher rate monitors or any different values. This should help with screen tearing since we have disabled V-sync. Try different values to achieve optimum picture for your setup. (*)

4. Save the changes, close the file. Rename user.txt to user.cfg

(*) Also you can test different maxFPS values faster by typing the sys_MaxFPS ## (## is 60 or other FPS value) in the in-game console. You can open the console pressing the “~” button on keyboard. But keep in mind, when you close the game, all changes you made will be lost. Don’t forget to set maxFPS in user.cfg file after you find optimum value.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fps Mod

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